Quarrel available soon on: iOS, XBLA, and Facebook

Posted June 13th, 2011 in Blog by darkwolf

First off, apologies for the radio silence in the last few weeks.
However, I have an excuse. I spend the last weeks at the Denki Towers working alongside Denki to make Quarrel happen.
After having spend more then a year developing Quarrel prior the Black Easter Monday back in 2010 I am thrilled to be back at it and help out to get it done.

Check it out! http://www.quarrelgame.com

It is finally done!

Posted April 19th, 2011 in Blog by darkwolf

Finally, it is done!
Version 1.0 of amoebalab-games.com is up and running.
All thanks to WordPress and a couple of late nights.
Now I’m off to get some sleep.
The public announcement will follow. 🙂